

Astraphobia - The Fear of Thunder and Lightning

the fear of thunder and lightning
Astraphobia is the irrational fear of thunder and lightning. Thunder is a very scary loud rumble while lightning itself is very dangerous, nobody wants to get struck. Between these reasons are the causes of some astraphobia. We can also call astraphobia other alternative names as brontophobia, tonitrophobia or keraunophobia. I know right? Who seriously comes up with these names? Well, astraphobia is not rear at all but in fact one of the most common phobias in the world especially regions where thunderstorms are rampant.

Astraphobia in Cats and Dogs
We humans arent the only ones with phonias, it was found out that about 20 - 30% of cats and dogs have astraphobia. For dogs, it was found that high level of an hormone called cortisol and used to manage stress in the dog can cause astraphobia for the dog.
Cats have also been seen to run under couches and other furniture during a thunder storm.
It was generally agreed that rather than showing an attempt to comfort these pets, its better to keep behaving normal on the basis that fearlessness can be considered an huge step to curing a phobia all along.

Symptoms of Astraphobia
Even though it is obviuos at times that an astraphobic patient might not be in any eminent danger at the time, they may still exhibit any of the following behaviours depending solely on how intense their astraphobia is;

The symptoms of astraphobia include
* Increased heart rate
* Trembling
* Screaming and crying 
* Hiding under basement or lower ground 
* Thoughts of death
*locking all doors and windows trying to prevent entry 
 A person with astraphobia would probably be very up to date with the weather forecasts as they would like to be aware of any up coming storms so as to leave town or brace them selves up.

 Causes of Astraphobia
Astraphobia is caused by only a few known reasons one of which is the that astraphobia might be a survival instinct thus making it a genetic type of phobia - a trait similar to why cats chase mice and birds build nests etc.
The other reason is that it could be as a result of past experience. Here, the astraphobic patient may have seen or experienced firsthand a disaster caused by jolts of lightning or something close almost permanently scaring the mind.

How To Cure Astraphobia
So, does astraphobia actually have a cure? Yes it does. practically all known phobias have one cure or the other. To cure astraphobia, usually, a therapist is needed to ensure the best results. the most common mean is the cognitive
 If you think you can overcome astraphobia on your own, then check out the how to cure phobia article.

Do you have astraphobia or its something else? Comment me and let me know!

10 Most Common Phobias

A phobia is an irrational or over hyped fear of something or a situation. Phobias may either be caused by numerous reasons including evolutionary traits and experiences from witnessing first hand or from being a victim of one and the common symptoms are dizziness, breathlessness and even panic attacks.
   Phobias are many! There seems to be a phobia name for every type of irrational fear you hear right? Well, like everything else, phobias must also have the ones that are exceptionally common and well known too. I mean who doesn’t know Michael Jordan?

   Though debatable, its a countdown here are the 10 most common phobias in the world;

This compared to other types of common phobias is a recent type of phobia that has gotten the whole world wincing and squirming at their computer screens. Trypophobia is a phobia caused by seeing clustered holes or irregular patterns on flowers, animals or on human skin and this causes the person to feel irritation and goosebumps all over. I was a once a victim, thank God for self therapy.

9. Aerophobia – The fear of flying
most common phobias
Also known as pteromerphanophobia, Gosh! Who comes up with these names? This is one of the most common phobias for a reason. It is said that about 6.5% of the world population are said to have this aerophobia. Here, being in the air can cause panic attacks usually accompanied with claustrophobia – the fear of small spaces and inability to escape. No wonder it is one of the most common phobias around.

most common phobias8. Glossaphobia – The fear of speaking in public
This is a very common phobia all around. Everybody has or has had their own share of the fear of speaking to a crowd. Shaking and stuttering is the clearest symptom and in some severe cases, tears roll down the cheeks. Best way to cure it is consistency.

7. Claustrophobia – The fear of small spaces
most common phobias
Claustrophobia has been seen to be one of the most common phobias because a shocking 5 - 7% of total world population is said to be having it. It is often associated with the feeling that the room is closing in or shrinking. Common symptoms of glossaphobia include anxiety, dizziness, increased heart rate, among others.

6. Agoraphobia – The fear of open spaces
most common phobias
Simple as it sounds, these people have great fear for public places and things all around it. The causes of agoraphobia are not definite but it may be caused by bad past experiences, have you narrowly escaped an accident, random bullet or were you ever mocked or threatened on the streets? These can kick-start the phobia. Claustrophobia may occur with or without a panic attack but fear and uneasiness are common.

Thunder and lightning can be very scary especially in cities where thunderstorms. Astraphobia is a very common phobia even among pets and other animals. It seems to be an evolutionary trait to protect one from being struck by lightning. It however can also be a phobia caused by consistent updates on how lightning killed and destroyed properties, over time it sinks in and you find yourself traumatized at the sound of thunder. Symptoms include shaking, uneasiness and even uncontrollable screaming.

4. Cynophobia – The fear of dogs
most common phobias
Without doubt the fear of dogs should be amoung the top most common phobias in the world. It is also known to be the fear of cats. This phobia is seen more commonly in women than in men. Dogs bite and injure people a lot and if you hear it too often, it just might get to you. Symptoms include shaking at the sight of a dog and also evasion of dogs even if it means passing the longest route possible.

most common phobias3. Acrophobia – The fear of heights
This is tagged the third amoung the most common phobias in the world. It may be fueled by survival instincts, one similar to cats’ fear of water, you don’t want to fall off that skyscraper right? Common symptoms include dizziness, blurred vision, shakiness, loss of balance, increased heart rate, among others.

Ophidiophobia is the second most common phobia in the world. A snake is a merciless creature that will protect itself with its deadly venom or swallow victims whole for lunch. You can’t really blame people for having this phobia.

1. Arachnophobia – The fear of spiders
most common phobias
Arachnophobia is the most common phobia in the world. Seen to affect every 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men. Of course spiders are not the only arachnids but they are most feared. This fear is usually generated by the fear of being bitten and turning to spiderman, just kidding who doesn’t want to be spiderman? Well, the deadly venom from arachnids makes them well feared is possibly t   he reason they are revered so well.

There is a new and self made phobia out there, you might just be a victim of it yourself. It is called Nomophobia - The fear of being without a phone check it out yourself.

The Fear of Spiders - Arachnophobia

the fear of spiders

The fear of spiders, arachnophobia is equally a really common phobia particularly to females. It is gotten from two Greek words ‘arachine’ meaning spiders and ‘phobia’ meaning fear of, thus the name – arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. People often cofuse or just call spiders insects but it is to be noted that spiders are not insects rather they are arachnids thus, the fear of spiders should not be confused with the fear of insects, entomophobia. One major difference is that spiders have eight legs and insects have only six legs.

Causes of arachnophobia
The causes of arachnophobia are quite numerous, from the common causes of phobia to the not so common ones, arachnophobia sure has a long list. A few of the more important causes of arachnophobia includes the following;
i.                     Evolutionary adaptation - yes! Just like a cat’s instinct to chase a mouse and a mouse’s instinct to run at the sight of a cat without ever before being told that they are sworn enemies, predator and prey, scientists believe the fear of spiders might have originated from this similar ideology thus our body is telling us to stir clear of spiders in the form of fear. The only question remains, if this is so, why do we not all have arachnophobia?

ii.                   Traumatic experience(s) – I remember the first time I attempted doing a back flip, my form was wrong and I landed so bad it gave me serious fears to attempt it a second time. Similarly, the fear of spiders may be instilled upon us if we have ever been bitten before by a spider or witnessed first hand how a friend or family member got bit by a spider, you don’t want to go through similar pain, poisonous or not, a spider bite hurts a whole lot. Think I’m lying? Ask Peter Parker - Spiderman lol.
iii.                  Cultural beliefs - Some places in Africa believe spiders are extremely dangerous creatures, some even are making up scary tales about them and hard wiring these beliefs into children from birth can cause them to have arachnophobia at a very young age and die with it too. Funny enough, some other parts of Africa again actually eat spiders as a yummy delight, talk about massively overcoming the fear of spiders.

        Symptoms of arachnophobia
            So we have known what causes the fear of spiders but how do you know if you have the fear of spider
            phobia? Well patients having arachnophobia exhibit similar signs. The more common and easy to
diagnose symptoms include;
*increased heart rate
*screaming at the sight of a spider
*panic attacks
*running away from the scene
 The symptoms of archnophobia differs and ranges in intensity according to how afraid of spiders such person is.

How to cure arachnophobia
Ok, so we know the causes and symptoms of arachnophobia but what about the cure? How do you cure arachnophobia? Unlike the fear of snakes phobia that won't really haunt you cause you hardly see a snake on a day to day basis, Spiders are nearly impossible to avoid in our homes, so it is important that one tries to overcome arachnophobia rather than avoid it. You can't run forever, so face your fear and own it!
some of the common ways of overcoming arachnophobia include;
System Desensitization; this has been effective for many cases of phobia in a person. In the case of arachnophobia, the person is slowly made to rid of the phobia of spiders by gradually being exposed to images of spiders and learning to cope with it. I explained it under 'stare your phobia in the eyes' in my how to overcome phobia article. There is now a mobile app reviewed and approved the NHS of UK called Phobia Free which uses this method.
Medication; medicine that induce relaxation along with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs  help to overcome the fear of spiders or rather control the phobia but must be used under professional dosage and can not be continued for so long.
See also the cognitive behavioral therapy CBT
Self Therapy; yes you can cure yourself and rid of the fear of spiders right at the convinience of your chair right there by simply following some tips and tricks carefully and gradually. I compiled a few ways on how to overcome phobia, a continuation of the 'stare your phobia in the eyes' given above.
 Get up and start the spider hunt! you can do it! you can overcome your arachnophobia, good luck!

NOMOPHOBIA - The Fear Of Being Without a Phone

nomophobia - fear of losing your phone
What is nomophobia?
Nomophobia is the fear of being without or losing our phone. Nomophobia is a very recent type of phobia caused by the growing population of phone users worldwide unlike many other phobias was gotten from two English words; NOMobilePHOBIA in full.

Causes of nomophobia
One of the major causes of is addiction and also having had a bad experience of being left without a phone where it was most needed. Other causes of nomophobia just basically fall under that category.

How do I know if I have nomophobia? Nomophobia is not too hard to figure out. However, while losing one’s phone can be heartbreaking or phone battery dying out just when your crush is about replying your text, nomophobia is quite different from such feelings. During a nomophobia test, here are a few questions asked to the patients so they have a view of what nomophobia is;

*Do you feel uneasy after being offline for a while?
*Are you absent minded when you are on your phone?
*Do you prefer talking online even to people in the same room as you?
*Do you feel like heaven has fallen when you misplace your phone?
*Do you have several power banks you often use?
 I'm sure by now you should also have a clue weather or not you have nomophobia.                       

Symptoms of nomophobia
So if you think you may be having nomophobia now, nomophobia can cause a victim various mental and physical symptoms and these symptoms range depending on how severe the case is. A few among these symptoms of nomophobia are as follows;
- anxiety and increased heart rate when you’re without your phone.
- you reach for your phone first thing in the morning and last thing before you sleep not even for alarm purposes.
- over protection of your phone and battery level. You would rather give $1000 than spare a friend your dying battery bar.
- use of phone anywhere, anyhow, no matter how inappropriate it is.
- you just wondered if a phone is ever inappropriate to use.
- anxiety over not being online for a while.

How to cure nomophobia
Does nomophobia have a cure? Yes, nomophobia can be cured! An effective way of curing nomophobia is by first understanding the dangers we put ourselves by letting ourselves be bested by nomophobia. A few amoung the consequences of nomophobia include the following;
i. You’re wasting time
A lot of times we think we can multitask, how well has that worked out for you? We also grow the habit of procrastination “I’ll go prepare dinner in 5 minutes”. 30 minutes later we’re still saying the same phrase.
ii. You are not sleeping well
Nomophobia can cause sleepless nights. The excessive blue light emitted from our phones as been shown to alter time spent in deep sleep and this persists even on days that we are unable to use our phones before bedtime.
iii. Your health is at risk
Bad sleeping habits can cause illnesses ranging from cold and catarrh to obesity, diabetes and even cancer, beware!
      iv. Nomophobia causes anxiety now and then and the more frequent these anxieties, the more you’re likely having higher blood pressure.

Finally, having known the dangers, here are a few self devoted ways to cure nomophobia;

i. Turn off your phone before bedtime
Reading a book can do the trick and ensure the phone is completely off and not on silence as the blinking light or vibrations are distractions on their own.
ii. Establish a No-Phone period
Dedicate a few hours of the days to put your phone aside and do something productive. Sounds easy? Well that’s because it is and you are doing yourself a lot of good too.
iii. Have more real conversations
Talk to people around you and give exceptional attention to everything they say while simultaneously making good remarks.
iv. Enjoy nature
Take a walk, take a hike or cycle round town, enjoy the view and commit it to memory alone. Do not take pictures with your phone, just enjoy what you see.

Was this article helpful? Do you have any contributions I missed out on? Please leave a comment, it'll be most appreciated.

Trypophobia - hole phobia

Trypophobia, sometimes misspelt as "tripophobia" is also known as the hole phobia or holes phobia as you may wan it. Whichever you call it, trypophobia is the irrational fear of clustered holes. It is discovered now however that it is not necessarily holes alone but most features that are clustered together and have irregular patterns as well all cause trypophobia.
 To get a full detailed explanation on the causes, symptoms and how to cure trypophobia, click HERE and view the full article. In this article, I'll be categorising trypophobia into 2 types based on the recent discovery that trypophobia is triggered in many individuals by different type of images. The 2 main types are:

i. Holes in skin/Trypophobia skin disease

ii. Holes in plants and insects or non-skin holes

Yes! Different people have trypophobia by different causes. I noticed personally that I get irritated with holes in skin rather than the holes in plants and insects while other clients say otherwise. Then there are people who actually have trypophobia of anything so long as it is having features such as the said clustered holes. Below is a brief explanation of the two types of trypophobia talked about earlier;

There's a Fear of mobile devices? Do you know you're most likely to have it too?

i. Holes in skin
Holes in skin are usually pictures of infected skin people call trypophobia skin disease. Trypophobia skin disease appears as holes in skin and these skin holes however, are nearly all fake, if not all. These skin holes created by photo editors are meant to irritate you and I at the moment of writing this have trypophobia of skin holes cause of the mixture of the disgusting sight of tiny holes probably filled with infections and blood all over. Medical personnels are not so likely to have the fear of holes, I don't think I need to explain why but as for people like me, I hate seeing blood or open wounds in the first place, now adding clustered holes or patches of dark spots nearly just kills me. Knowing these skin holes are fake may also constitute to curing trypophobia ut have you ever been in a dream, knowing fully well its a dream but that monster chasing you still makes you run. I hope you get my point.
 Below are the awful trypophobic images I've been able to compile with my eyes closed, ok no, my eyes were open, therapy is actually working, how I'm putting my trpophobia under control is given right below, stay tuned.
 Give your honest description as to how you feel after viewing the following trypophobic images

ii. Trypophobia in plants and insects
Unlike the trypophobia skin disease, trypophobia here are the more natural types which include the fear of lotus holes and other types of holes developed on plants and insects and even some amphibians just working their normal day to day activities minding their own business while you sit there being irritated at their beauty, ok just kidding. Below are some pictures of non-skin pictures of trypophobia
Lotus holes are the leading causes of trypophobia in plants.
 The honeycomb is in turn the leading naturally occurring type of trypophobia caused by insects.
Other examples include the toad belky full of eggs and some others such as the following images

So, would you say you are trypophobic to the skin disease or the non skin holes or are you even trypophobic at all? Or was it both, please let me know in the comments sections, your comments are much appropriated, thank you. 
How to cure trypophobia
Trypophobia like some other phobias is actually really easy to cure - take it from an ex trypophobic patient (me! well not complete yet as at this time). Check out some ways on how to overcome phobia including trypophobia and other types of phobia on your own and be a free man or woman like me! I specially compiled a list of useful safe ways to overcome phobia of any sort at the comfort of your home given it works for you, thank me later!

 So, which type of trypophobia do you have let me know in the comments below thanks!
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